Cases and clients

A taste of the impact we can create together

Getting to net zero: Prototyping decarbonised solutions
Prototyping, Research, User testing Prototyping, Research, User testing

Getting to net zero: Prototyping decarbonised solutions

Northern Europe's largest shipping and logistics company, DFDS, is taking groundbreaking step on their sustainability journey. Our prototyping work helped them introduce a transformative new decarbonised offering – an initiative not only aimed at reducing DFDS' carbon footprint but also empower their customers to reduce their own Scope 3 emissions.

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Empowering tomorrow’s leaders – Arla Innovation
Social sustainabillity, Prototyping, User testing, Research Social sustainabillity, Prototyping, User testing, Research

Empowering tomorrow’s leaders – Arla Innovation

To innovate future-facing products and experiences, Arla Innovation wanted to get inside the mind of the next generation. So, we established a Youth Advisory Group (aka YAG), partnering with Fryshuset to build a diverse advisory group to co-create and learn from, with and for.

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Prototyping Postnord
Stakeholder management, Prototyping, User testing Stakeholder management, Prototyping, User testing

Prototyping Postnord

How do you embed an agile, start-up mentality within a large, multinational organisation? Another Tomorrow took on this challenge and spearheaded Postnord IT’s organisational transition. This took Postnord IT from time-consuming, linear development processes taking place far from the end-user to a culture of iterative development, increased speed and usability, and data-informed decision making.

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Hacking the Future of Sustainable Energy
Energy, Hackathon, Process design Energy, Hackathon, Process design

Hacking the Future of Sustainable Energy

Sweden’s largest energy provider, Vattenfall, is committed to resolving modern energy issues. Part of this commitment is to make innovation more open, transparent and inclusive. Another Tomorrow was brought in to design and facilitate an innovation process, in order to prototype the future possibilities of power and energy.

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Want to work with us?

Reach out to Staffan, CEO
+46 070 540 06